Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Holiday Tradition: DONATE!

Some years ago, the company I was working for at the time had a Christmas / Holiday toy donation program.   Employees would donate toys and the company would give them to local charities or programs like Toys For Tots.  I really took to this program because less fortunate families and/or kids struggle just to have a home, food or other basic necessities.  Families can't just afford to purchase toys or other fun things for their kids.

That year, I made an effort to purchase some toys for donation.  As I was shopping, another idea came to mind.  Rather than purchase ONE toy, I purchased two toys.  One toy for a boy and one toy for a girl.  I figured it would be fair to purchase one of both genders.

I continued this tradition until I left the company a few years later.  My last couple of companies don't have any official toy donation programs.  So for a couple of years, I purchased toys and donated them at malls or other locations that need donations.  Last year, I just made a monetary donation to the local Toys For Tots programs.   This year, as I was at a mall, I saw a Toys For Tots donation both, I went back to purchasing two toys again.

It's a small way to contribute back to the community during a time where there are many families that are struggling.  When kids are happy, I believe that will help the family feel better overall even if their circumstances haven't completely changed.

For those who want to make a difference this and any other holiday season, consider making a donation to a charity that you support.

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